Business Insights

The Power of Workplace Resilience Coaching

Building resilience and improving workplace performance and culture are imperative for the success and sustainability of UK businesses in today's fast-paced and ever-changing market environment. The i...

What Type of Workspace Suits Your Business?

"The office is where we spend most of our time. It's practically where we live. Our colleagues and our bosses see more of us than our families do." Lucy Kellaway penned these words in 2013. It goes w...

Relax on Grant on Credit IHT rules

With the recent Spring Budget came a relatively small update to Inheritance Tax ("IHT") whereby applications for a ‘Grant on Credit' no longer require Personal Representatives ("PRs") to seek commerci...

Getting Married – Do I Need a Pre-nup?

Preparing for marriage can be an exciting journey filled with endless decisions and to-do lists. Amidst the flurry of wedding preparations and anticipation of the honeymoon, it's easy to overlook the ...